Archive for category Legacy Archive

Legacy Archive | The Confession of Praise | Pastor Ronnie Sims

Here on this episode of the Legacy Archive Podcast, we go back to the year 2000 to hear from Pastor Ronnie Sims. We learn that through our sacrifice of praise comes a natural confession of praise! We mark our words through the actions of our lives. The Lord is worthy of all our praise!

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Legacy Archive | How to See Miracles | Pastor Joel Sims

In this episode of the Legacy Archive Podcast, Pastor Joel Sims teaches us how if we can humble ourselves and align our lives with the will of the Lord, we can see and be a part of miracles that God wants to work within our lives.

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Legacy Archive | The Comforter | Pastor Ronnie Sims

In this edition of the Legacy Archive podcast, We hear from Pastor Ronnie Sims from 1994 preach on the Comforter. “One who undertakes the case or cause of another.” We hope that through this podcast, you learn that the Lord is your ultimate comforter in life. Through every season, He is always on your side, always praying for you, and will never fail you.

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December First Wednesday: Robert Madu

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Pablo Pt. 1: By God Through a Friend

Acts 9:8-20 (KJV)
Jesus left Paul blind. Why? He wanted him to see that you need Jesus in your life, but you also need people who love Jesus in your life in order to fulfill the plan in your life in order to fulfill the plan God has for your life.
A friend
Could it be that the vast majority of the healing that takes place in your life comes BY God THROUGH a friend?
The thing that makes friendships great is the same thing that makes them dangerous. You drop your guard. Acceptance leads to influence.
Warning Signs:
When you say “I’ll listen to that, I’ll go to that, I’ll watch that, but I’m not going to participate in that.”
When you hope that people you respect the most don’t find out where you’ve been, what they’ve said or who you’ve been with.
When you catch yourself lowering your standards to gain approval by them.
When something that was off limits before, suddenly become an option.
When you see they are not moving in the same direction as you and they don’t desire to.
They love Jesus
You can talk about Jesus with them.

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Anything But Average Pt. 2: A Plan for Anything but Average

Acts 13:1-2
Proverbs 3:13-18
1. Make time everyday for God.
Pick one scripture a day and mediate on it.
15=5 30=10 1=15
Read your bible
15=5 30=10 1=25
Pray: Thanks, Dedicate, Goals
15=5 30=10 1=20
2. Make the most of your not so free time.
A. Car: Worship, Podcast or Audible Book
B: Workout (3 to 5 times a week) Podcast or Book on tape
C: Come to church as much as possible
3. Do a fast this summer. Pick a screen, or all of them, and fast them for a season. Give that time to God, family or true fun.
Don’t commit the sin of Esau
Read 7 pages a day for a book a month. 15 pages for a book every two weeks or 30 pages a day for a book a week.
It’s  not a matter of doing what I do. The important thing is do you want to do what I did so that you can do what I do?
Life will rarely out grow you. If it does, in a matter of time, it will shrink back to you.
For your life to be Anything But Average, YOU must be Anything But Average.
Genesis 42:8 New American Standard
Vision: People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision.
Plan: A great plan executed without great people will never produce the desired results.
First who then what

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Anything But Average Pt. 1: Pass the Test

Luke 4:1
Luke 4:13-14
God desires your life to be ” Anythings But Average”
It was God who gave Joseph his dream, Moses his calling, Jesus His anointing, Abraham his increase and David his promotion.
These men didn’t come to God and ask for it. God came to them and asked them to do it.
They are not the exception they are the rule.
Psalms 113:7-8
Why doesn’t He do it?
1 Timothy 3:10
He proves you before He promotes you.
Deuteronomy 8:1-2
Everybody passes through the wilderness.
Jesus was in the wilderness for 40 days, Israel for 40 years. The difference? How fast it takes me to pass the test.
In God there is no social promotion.
For every new level there is a new test.
Genesis 22:1-3
Genesis 22:12-17

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